Monday, October 28, 2013

Retiring Address

By Billy Zack Taylor, ASA Board Member

It is a true honor and pleasure to have served on the Board of Directors for the American Shorthorn Association.  During the two terms, I have had the privilege of representing the wants and desires of any member which conveyed any concern or idea.  Furthermore, as a Board we have made several changes for the future of the Shorthorn breed.  There will need to be several changes in the future as well. 

I encourage any member which has a love for the future of this great breed of cattle to run for the board.  We have a great Executive Secretary with a great vision.  The remaining Board is very progressive and truly has a great desire for the Shorthorn breed to succeed in all aspects of the cattle industry.  It is vital that the entire United States is represented. I encourage any member to run that cares about the progressive future of the Shorthorn breed, not only in your area but the entire United States. 

Interested in running for the ASA Board of Directors at the 2013 Annual Meeting in Denver? Please sumbit your intent to run along with a write-up of yourself and photo to the ASA by November 1, 2013. All candidates will have their write-up and photo published in the December issue of the Shorthorn Country.
View the By-Laws of the ASA for complete protocol of election to the board of directors - click here.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My How Time Flies

by Ricky W. Guidry, ASA Board member and Past President

It doesn’t seem like it but it has been six years since you elected me to the Board of Directors of the American Shorthorn Association.  While I had managed a Business and Ranch most of my life this was my first experience of being a director of an Association consisting of members from all parts of the Country and having diverse interest.

 While I have only been involved with Shorthorn cattle for 15 years it has been a pleasure meeting other breeders from all parts of the country.  I have never been involved with any other group that has a love for cattle as I have seen with Shorthorn breeders.  In the last 6 years I have grown to understand the diverse goals that our breeders have with their individual programs.  I have even seen my goals as a breeder move from the show ring to using Shorthorn cattle in a crossbreeding program that works in our southern region.  As a board member it is key to listen and learn as much as possible from all facets of the breed.  Only with an understanding of the various needs of different programs can we continue to serve the needs of all members.  As a board we should always remember that we are in that position because our fellow members elected us to that position to protect and promote programs that aid all members in reaching their goals.  We have seen a lot of issues with genetic defects, show programs, management, etc. in the last 6 years and feel the board has always strived to move the association in a positive direction.

 At the National Show and Annual meeting in Denver 2014 there will be 3 of the 9 seats on the board of directors up for election.  Anyone with the passion to work as a board member to continue to direct the breed in a positive direction should consider running for the board in January.  A diverse board both geographically and program orientation is key to ensuring all members issues are considered in making decisions.

Interested in running for the ASA Board of Directors at the 2013 Annual Meeting in Denver? Please submit your intent to run along with a write-up of yourself and photo to the ASA by November 1, 2013. All candidates will have their write-up and photo published in the December issue of the Shorthorn Country.
View the By-Laws of the ASA for complete protocol of election to the board of directors - click here.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Jump In and Enjoy the Ride!

By Les Mathers, ASA President
I have been fortunate to be a member of many boards and participate in the governance of many organizations both small and large. Some have been privately held, some publicly owned, some for profit, others not for profit. They have been C corps, LLCs, S corps, limited partnerships, 501 c3s and others. Some have been in health care, some financial institutions, some in agriculture, some in real estate. None of the organizations have more people with more passion than ASA members and staff.

I have long known many of the Shorthorn breeders and have been able to get to know many more in the USA and throughout the world. Many have some differences in their personal goals of their programs, but all support the wonderful breed in their own way. How often can one travel thousands of miles across oceans and continents and be able to introduce your children to people who have known you and your family for four generations through Shorthorn cattle?

Being a board member and taking on a key governance role is not for everyone. Broad dedication to the advancement of a variety of ASA goals is necessary. We need continued focus on the service to our members and improvement of the breed and its relevance in the beef industry. Board members need to give the time and focus as may be needed to govern and give our ASA executive and staff clear priorities.

Skills and knowledge about governance, business development,  finance, strategic planning, marketing, and legal issues are needed. Being chosen to be a board member for the ASA is a great honor and top candidates are needed to provide leadership and continuity. We must preserve the many great assests and continue to put ourselves in a good position to go forward.
If you or someone you know can provide the passion as well as the skill and knowledge then jump in, or push them to consider running for the board.

Interested in running for the ASA Board of Directors at the 2013 Annual Meeting in Denver? Please submit your intent to run along with a write-up of yourself and photo to the ASA by November 1, 2013. All candidates will have their write-up and photo published in the December issue of the Shorthorn Country.
View the By-Laws of the ASA for complete protocol of election to the board of directors - click here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Catch You Down the Cow Path...

From Patrick Wall -

It’s been a pleasure to work for the American Shorthorn Association for the past 5 years. I want to extend a sincere thank you to all Shorthorn breeders for their dedication to the breed and for the hospitality they’ve shown me and my family throughout my tenure. Though my beef industry role will be changing, I still hope to be a helpful resource to the ASA moving forward. I have accepted a position as an Area Beef Field Specialist with Iowa State University Extension & Outreach. My territory will shrink from about 30-some states to 17 counties in an effort to spend more weekends with my young family. I certainly loved what I did for ASA, and I hope the future will prove there was some value in my efforts. I truly believe in the potential of the Shorthorn breed to the beef industry, and I know you have the necessary tools to make ‘em better! Rest assured, I will be in tune with your progress…thanks again!