Monday, June 29, 2015

Discover the World of Shorthorn at the 2016 World Shorthorn Conference

The Shorthorn World Conference will be held in Uruguay April 3-13, 2016. Look for additional information in coming months about group travel accommodations for American Shorthorn Association members. 

Juniors, Mark Your Calendar for the 2015 KEY Conference!

Knowledge Empowers Youth (KEY) Conference is an opportunity where juniors ages 14 – 21 have the ability to not only develop leadership skills that can be used in their future, but also a place where they are able to gain new friendships, experience a new college campus and expand their knowledge on the current issues of the agricultural industry. The weekend event is held in the summer at a different major university each year to give youth a feel for a college setting and to experience what that college offers. Participation is not limited to Shorthorn juniors; anyone interested in the agricultural industry is encouraged to attend!